It’s been a long time coming. I am participating in Lexember this year, and I will provide a post at the end of December to show all the words I created along with some commentary for some of the entries. Lortho is long overdue a growth spurt and updates are needed. Life has a way …
Tag Archives: conlang
A Nominalized Discovery
I recently made a discovery regarding nominalized nouns in Lortho. Nominalization is achieved by adding the prefix mo– to the verbal root followed by the gender suffix [one of –i, –u, –a for masc, fem, neut, respectively]. The gender is normally assigned by the gender of the “doer.” However, I uncovered a nominalized verb with …
A Twist Develops
While researching I discovered this word: didera [di.ˈdɛ.ɾa] n. neut • invalid, a person disabled by illness or injury; (informal) unbeliever, heretic The informal definition of this word really struck me. I had always thought the Lorthoans to be a kind and loving people, but even as this culture is deeply rooted in the power …
The Art of Discovery
Every creative writer has their “source” of information. For some, it is the history books. Others, it is works of science fiction. For Marc Okrand and Klingon (thlIngan) it is a “prisoner of war” with whom Marc is the only person who has access. In my case, I see the source unfold by itself. Suffice …
Lortho: An Artlang
Periodically, I will write updates to the community about Lortho. I did such a write-up in Reddit. It helps me figure out how I want to tweak the language, it documents my progress, and it stays redundant when I store the information in multiple sources. Go take a look and be prepared for a series.
Lortho Source Discovered
Many of you who follow me on Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, or Discord (@bbbourq#4561) might already know that I based the script off of one of the races on a strategy board game a friend of mine was developing. I originally developed it in early 2003. Unfortunately, due to our profession at the time we lost …
The Wonderful (and Strange) World of Dhamashi
One of the most daunting tasks of making a fictitious language is creating the world in which it is spoken. As a conlanger, one does dabble in the art of world building, but where to start? Maybe my experience can help. I am (by no stretch of the imagination) not an expert world builder, but …
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Lexember is Nigh upon Us
Soon the conlanging community will be involved with the activity known as Lexember. Lexember is a portmanteau of the words lexeme and December. Lexember is the largest community challenge in which language inventors make the goal of creating new words for their language(s). The intent is to make at least one word each day during …